
洲本市国際交流協会 会長 原 一雅

 2023年4月より会長を務めます原 一雅です。

洲本市国際交流協会 会長
原 一雅

I, Kazumasa Hara, serve as chairman from April 2023.
I would like to express our sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation with the Sumoto International Assciation.
It has been three years since the COVID-19 pandemic started, but our main project, international exchange program, is back on track. We have discussed many times with County of Hawaii and City of Van Wert, which are sister cities of Sumoto city, to arrange visitation.
Regarding the other projects, we had repeatedly made plans and had to cancel. Even so, we beat our brains , had trial and error, and finally new projects, such as our video creation project, have started. I realized that even if we cannot go abroad, we can connect with the world online while we are in our hometown of Sumoto.
Recently, restrictions have been eased little by little, and we see signs that free and wide-ranging activities are possible.
This year, we are looking forward to making a fresh start and moving forward. Thank you for your cooperation!

Kazumasa Hara
Chairman, Sumoto International Association